> Do you have a cache list of the caches that should be removed? This list is based on my own research. It's not "official". The boundaries between the Preserve and all the other stakeholders in the vicinity are blurry at best, and there could easily be others I don't know about. Thompson Peak GC3A94 FH EnviroCharity GC5484 Musicbox GC5818 Good Clean Fun GCCB2B WazUp GCDCF3 NoWashAway GCE4A5 One cache that some might think belongs on this list is the "Mc Dowell Cache" (GC1B8). I have visited this cache three or four times, and I'm pretty sure it's actually on State Trust land, but I could be wrong. When I sent this message out Thursday night, I "blind copied", among others, Claire Miller, the McDowell Sonoran Preserve Manager. Claire is a City of Scottsdale employee, and has been very supportive of Geocaching within the Preserve. I worked closely with her over the last several months in an attempt to get this back on the Commission's agenda. She has held off acting on caches within the Preserve in hopes that the Commission would reconsider. She even joined me when I hunted "Musicbox" to see first-hand what finding a cache is like. But Claire doesn't set policy. Her job is to enforce the policy promulgated by the Commission. Here's an excerpt from an email Claire sent me in response: "Thank you for sending this information to the geocaching folks - I do appreciate it. I will see that it also gets posted on our city website. Certainly if anyone has any questions about it, please refer them to my direct number. I'll kind of monitor the website to see when/if the caches in the Preserve are picked up by their owners. Over the next several weeks, if I happen to be in an area where there is a cache that has not been retrieved, I will pick it up, secure it my office and attempt to notify the owner via the website." Claire's direct number is 480-312-2504, and her email address is ClMIller@scottsdaleaz.gov. If you do need to contact her, please take a minute to thank her for her efforts on our behalf. We would make her job easier by voluntarily removing and archiving the caches we know for certain lie within the Preserve. Steve Team Tierra Buena