Two of the FroBro caches (#2 and #4) have gone missing. We currently do not have a source for the containers that we used. Has anyone who knows what they look like ever seen something similar anyplace? I want to use the same containers for all the caches in the series. I have found some other alternatives but they are all bigger and probably won't work as well for the locations where 2 and 4 were hidden. BTW FroBro Goose has finished Basic Enlisted Submarine School in Groton, CT and was the Honor graduate (highest average). He now gets computer training and then more training for his current specialty which is sonar. It'll be several months yet before he is done with training and gets stationed someplace. I've attached a picture. He's the old, tall guy with sunglasses in with the other kids in his class and some cute girls they met during a rare weekend off in NY city. He says everyone in NY wanted a picture with them in uniform. FroBro D-Dubs