It says on the Team Stats here at that we made our first log entry one year ago today. What it doesn't say is that the log in question was a "not found". In a reversal of tradition, Judi and I would like to give you an anniversary present of sorts. It's a bit of doggerel that kind of wrote itself several months ago. I showed it to Bob Renner at one point, but I really hadn't been able to figure out what else to do with it. This seems like a good occasion to share it with you. It's a bit long (no one's ever accused me of not talking enough), so I'll put it in a separate message and ship it off here in a couple of minutes. Maybe you'll want to save it until you have five or ten uninterrupted minutes to read it. It's just our way to say thanks for all the Geocaching fun we've had this past year, for all the friends we've met, and for all the friends we have yet to meet. Judi and Steve (and Knut and Shelly and Len and Irene and Hayley and Beth and Russ and George and Paula and Judi R. and Pat and the real Baby Cecilia) Team Tierra Buena