> I enjoy visiting all caches, especially harder ones that many geocachers choose not to visit, but is it a good idea to put a travel > bug in such caches? I agree with Tim, it depends on the goals of the TB, but I think the bigger issue is when a cacher finds and takes a TB without having any knowledge of what its goals are. If all you find is a doll and a dog tag, and you take it, I don't think you can be faulted for not taking the bug where its owner wanted it to go. So if you find a TB, and there's nothing with it to indicate its objectives, and you didn't read about it when you were planning your trip (maybe it got placed after you read/printed/downloaded the cache page), does that mean you should leave it where it is? Which is worse for a bug, going the wrong way or not going at all? If a bug winds up in a cache on top of a mountain that spends the winter above the snowline, at least it isn't likely to get plundered then, either. Let's remind ourselves yet again, it's a game, folks. If the TB owner really wanted or needed to see it get to its destination, then they should have sent it via Federal Express. Steve Team Tierra Buena Making Geocaching harder than it needs to be...