1) How did you get introduced to Geo Caching? ------>a friend told me about it 2) How long have you been a Geo Cacher?------> 1 year 5 days 3) What is your present GPS'r? ----->plus 3 a) What was your first GPS'r?-----> etrex b) How many units have you owned?---->3 c) What unit(s) would you recommend to new cachers?---> etrex 4) How long did it take to locate your first cache?-----10 minutes 5) What has been your most memorable cache?----> coyote 1 a) Why?the first place i had never been to 6) What has been your least favorite cache? ------>micro a) Why? most do not take a lot of thought to hide 7) What factors dictate which cache you go looking for?----> If I have some one to cache with. 8) How many other Geo Cachers have you met while on a caching hunt?------> lots 9) Has that meeting changed the way you cache?-----somewhat 10) When unable to locate a cache how long do you search? as long as it takes a) How many attempts before logging a no-find?---->depend on why I stopped looking b) Do you contact the cache owner for help?-----> yes c) Do you ask other cachers for help? ----> yes 11) When driving around are you tempted to go and look again at caches you have found before?----> yes, I only that the cousin to caches I know so they are sure to find 12) What has been the best trinket in a cache?---->a bandana signed by the infamous Jermey 13) What has been the worst trinket in a cache?---->pot 14) Do you leave a signature item?-----> do my paint cans count a) Are you considering your own?----->geocaching music b) Who has the most notable? ----->I like snowpeoples snow flake...they look great on the xmas tree. 15) When in a populated area waiting to retrieve a cache what things do you do to pass the time? leave a) While waiting what was the worst thing to have happen?---> still have not made it back b) What has been the best thing?-----> found a nother cach close by 16) Do you practice Cache in Trash out?----->depends on method of travel 17) Your own question for others?----->what the average amount of time you spend on hiding a cache??????