I certainly do not want to get into mud slinging. But feel compelled to voice an opinion. In my experience, quite a bit of thought and planning goes into each cache hide. We have enjoyed every cache we've ever found. ESPECIALLY the ones where it is evident that the creator put some time and thought into hiding and planning it, and the ones that really challenge us mentally and physically. But caching must be self perpetuating or it will die. If we only find, find, find and never hide, we are missing out on half the fun of the sport. Keep in mind the old Indian adage about never criticizing a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins. Each of us is doing our best to hide caches that are fun and challenging. There are only so many ways to hide an ammo box under a pile of rocks. Variety is the spice of life. Enjoy the journey as well as the destination. And don't forget to have fun!! Jean roadrunners