---- Steven Stringham wrote: Your numbers are very respectable. After 5+ yrs of Geocaching I now have 200+. My minimum rule is one cache MUST be found per month. This is my barometer measure for recreation, anything less means I'm not having enough fun. I am a target cacher, I too will pass multiple caches to hit the one I an after. I log my finds as Team finds when a family member is along. My 200th find was GC57 and planned that way. I rarely go caching with the clear and conquer technique, as I will return another day. Just some notes on my Personal Goals, the trip and the destination are the adventure. Looking for More Recreation Time, DbleDutch > > > Now, to start on the GCXXX caches.... There are many more of them. I am > counting 47 active. A bit more difficult to obtain them all. I count a > history of about 101 GCXXX caches in Arizona. Of those, 54 have been > archived. I have found now 6 of the total 102, with two of these now > archived. So, I have a long ways to go (43), and much hiking required. > And, boy, am I out of shape. We shall see. > > > So, I wonder, who else among the AZ Cachers has gotten all the GCXX caches? > > > > And, at last, a question, what are your quests, if any, in caching terms? > * Count? > * Specific caches? > * Just fun? > * ??? > > >