Rte. 88 is a dirt road from Roosevelt lake all the way to Apache Junction. The road is also maintained (somewhat) but narrow on the entire mountain pass, so only careful driving to avoid accidents must be considered. Make sure you use your transmission's gearing and that your brakes are in good workign order as well. The steep grades don't play favorites with anybody, and the wrecks that are still on the hillsides, reinforce that comment! The drive is very scenic and well worth the time to drive it regardless, just use common sense and take your time. No place is worth being hospitalized for, and speed on 88 is NOT the place to do it! It would probably take several hours to get medical help to you, and cellphones rarely work in the many canyon areas of that road either, so they are as effective as shooting arrows into the sky to call for help. BRING YOUR CAMERA! There have been many sightings of deer, bobcat, wolves and countless other wildlife in and around that roadway, so you never know what you';; see. As for 188 from I17 being paved, I don't know, I've never driven it. From 88 outside of Apache Junction, it's paved up to Tortilla Flat, then soon afterwards, it's gravel, with patches of pavement scattered here and there. If you decide to go through Globe, turn at the 188 marker(lights) and you should see Judy's Cookhouse on your immediate left so you will know you are where you need to turn. Head west, but I can't tell you how many miles it is until the turn off to 88, but you'll see the blue bridge come into view, so you will be getting close. That's about all I can help you with, and this is by memory, but I am 99% certain it is accurate. Since you are Geocachers like myself, you'll be armed with GPS, \and you probably are quite able to easily map out your route to your destination. I wish you good luck, good weather and a wonderful visual experience also! Take care, drive safe and HAPPY GEOCACHING! Sincerely Ernest/AEC98 Ernest A. Erickson, KA9UCE Applied Electronic Communications, AEC 3843 W. Rousay Drive Queen Creek, AZ. 85240 480.888.7978 (home) 623.688.7774 (cell) 480.560.6414 (cell 2) aec9823@yahoo.com ____________________________________________________________________________________ Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search. http://tools.search.yahoo.com/newsearch/category.php?category=shopping ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching Arizona's Geocaching Resource http://www.azgeocaching.com