Hi there, Maybe I should subscribe to the individual e-mails, and then I wouldn't have to spend my life scrolling. So, only because life is all about me, I'm requesting that when you reply, that you delete most (if not all) of the previous posts that tag onto your reply...that most of us have seen already. With regards to the micro topic/permission topic/caching police topic that's ongoing, here's our input: 1. Micros: love 'em or hate 'em, they're just one kind of cache. If it's not your thing, then pocket query to ignore them. 2. Get permission. That's the deal. Period. Not a bad suggestion, however, to note who gave permission. If it's a store manager, then say the store manager on x/xx/200x if they don't want their name on the website. 3. Caching police. Play nice. Respect each other's individuality in where and how they cache (as long as they abide by #2). You don't like TB hotels? Don't go there. You don't like micros? Don't go there. You don't have a boat, diving certification, 4 wheel drive, strong legs, climbing gear, don't go there. There are plenty of caches out there that you will like. Remember, this is supposed to be fun. IMHO, Shari