For me, personally, I don't mind it as much if I can't find the cache. In fact, the harder it was to get to, the less I mind because it generally means I received more benefit in the hike/drive/climb/whatever. That said, I typically cache with my kids (age 4 and almost-6). Because of this, I don't do any of the really difficult caches, but I have done some longish hikes. I've tried from early on to teach them to enjoy the scenery, the time together, etc. I make a point of enjoying the whole trip, and not just focusing on "we're going to find 'treasure'" (as they call it). They are still disappointed if we can't find the cache, of course, so it would be nice to at least have a decent idea if we should keep looking or if the cache is just gone. However, I went into this with the understanding that no matter what I think is ideal, the only thing I can control is my approach and reaction to things, and I'm trying to pass that on to my kids as well (for life in general, not just with respect to geocaching!). That said, I realize not everyone caches with kids, and not every cache is placed with kids in mind (and some don't even want kids, because of the tendency to degenerate into a McCache, although we do make a point of trading out what we feel are similarly valued items). Also, I don't know that I've ever been unable to find a rural cache (keeping in mind that I've only done mid-level difficulty ones because of the kids), although I have spent a great deal of time finding some (including some attempted drives through the forest when I was learning my GPS and didn't realize that it had reverted to the base map and no longer had a road to follow!! ). It's the urban ones I have more trouble with. And the urban ones are more disappointing to DNF, since often the destination isn't particularly spectacular, and the main goal really is to find the cache itself. -Lisa "PoledraDog" ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource