>From: Brian Casteel <> >Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Who's at the top? >Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:45:39 -0600 > >http://grand_high_pobah.home.comcast.net/index.html Wow. I didnt know about that website. Finally, a ranking that is accurate. It shows I have 2239 finds, which is correct. Looks like I am ranked 405 in the world. I remember at one time I was well inside the top 100 in the world ranking. But I dont really follow the numbers anymore and havent looked at any numbers stats since the azgeocaching.com site stopped tracking them. I see the top finder has something like 17,000 cache finds!? Must be retired as I dont see how anyone can find that many caches and still carry on a normal work week and whatever other duties life brings. I have been caching since the rather early days of the game and I cached pretty hard at times. I found over 200 in one month and while that was big numbers at the time, that could probably be done in 2 days in some places (like LA area). I am self employed, so I can sort of set my own schedule. I still dont see how I could ever have had the time or the money to have 17,000 finds, today, 4 years later. That would require alot of traveling around the region or even the country to areas with high cache density. I have 2239 finds currently, which is about an average of 40 caches a month since I started caching on January 6, 2002. Put that into perspective and think of how much of my life would be totally consumed of geocaching if I were to have been able to find 17,000 caches in those 4 years. Geocaching has only been a game for about a year/year and a half before I started and the top team, Team Alamo, has been caching for 9 months less than me (started in Oct 2002)! That is amazing. I looked at their profile and it looks like it is an honest retired couple. Still, that many finds is ALOT of traveling and geocaching! My hats off to them. That is quite an achievement! Scott Team Ropingthewind