One cache that comes to mind is a really old cache that is still active by Libby...GC1E5A (In search of the Great Pumpkin). This is a two part cache. The first part coordinates are posted on a sign at these coordinates. It is off the exit ramp of Bloody Basin Rd and I-17. The actual second part coordinates are somewhere like north or NE of Wickenburg. I found the first part coords a couple of years ago and have still not gone after the final cache. Anyways, this sign where the first part coords are posted are directly across a small two lane street from another cache. I cant remember what cache that was, but I think it is Bloody Basin Cach, also a multi cache. There is an altoid tin under a cattleguard. Those coords will lead to a cache which is farther down Bloody Basin Rd. Alot of cachers are finding the altoid tin and going on to the second part of another cache... and then logging the find for the other cache under GC1E5A. The distance between the coords on the sign for GC1E5A and the altoid tin for the other cache is maybe 40'. It is easy for someone to find the altoid tin and think the coordinates in it are for the second part of GC1E5A. This is the only occurance of this happening to me... that I can recall. Libby isnt active in the game anymore, I dont beleive. So not sure this will ever get corrected. These are both very old caches, though still active. So having some kind of ability for the reviewers to detect this and keep intermediate stages from being too close to other caches is good and will keep this from happening in the future. Scott Team Ropingthewind