I'll agree with Brain/AI and Bill B.... Garmin mapsource TOPO is great software and has always served me very well, in several different applications. The roads are pretty much always there as shown and the detail is good enough for me. While I would love to see 1:24k detail... the 1:100k detail is plenty fine for me. It also allows much more to be put on a single CD than the need for perhaps multiple CD's, each selling probably at $100 a peice. Garmin topo has the entire country on 2 CD's. The slightly less detailed 1:100k is also much quicker to download to the GPS, not to mention you can fit alot more map coverage in the GPS than you would be able to if it were 1:24k. I travel occasionally all over the country and use the topo maps in my GPS religiously. If it were 1:24k detail, I would need to purchase many CD's (which can get very costly) to cover the areas I am traveling to. With the current detail, I got it all on 2 CD's and have the entire country in my library. Scott Team Ropingthewind