Crystal, I have an iQue 3600. I got it for the mapping feature, the larger display, and mainly for use in the car. It is a little too fragile with the hinged antenna for use while hiking. The battery does not last very long when the backlight is full on and the gps is in use. The car adapter is a neccessity. Otherwise, I find it very useful. It's a full Palm PDA, and I have Cachemate on it for totally paperless caching. I like the ability to select an entry in the address book, have it generate a waypoint from the address, calculate a route to that address, and give me voice directions. Bob --- Crystal Hinkle wrote: > Hi everyone, > > > > We're considering upgrading to a new GPS in the next > day and I wondered if > anyone has any opinions on the iQue's. Does anyone > have one? If you've > considered it and decided not to get one for some > reason, please let me > know. We're looking for something that'll show maps > and be fairly quick to > learn and very accurate. Thanks! > > > > Crystal > > HinkleHouse > > > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe > visit: > > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > > __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource