I just received the following message via geocaching.com. It sounds like canada is in a similar place that we were a couple of years ago, so any help that you could give would be appreciated. ----------- Hello from Alberta, Canada. I got your geo-caching name from a report on your Arizona Geocaching Website (nice website) that really caught my eye as it looks like you folks are already dealing with concerns from the government like we are starting to. I have been asked to meet with the Alberta Forest Service on October 12 to explain geocaching to them and so they can decide whether it is a permissable activity on public land. Needless to say this is an important meeting for us as 70% of Alberta is public land. Can you steer me to any state or federal policies you are aware of that support geocaching. I have found a 2003 memorandum from the Bureau of Land Management which fits the bill but need more ammunition. If you have any other suggestions on making our case, they would be appreciated. I am also sending this to Team Tierra Buena On and Pet Posse to ensure at least one of your group gets it. Thanks for any help. We are getting ready to start our winter geocaching season here. Three feet of snow on the ground sometimes makes a cache pretty hard to find but other times the beaten path through the woods makes it easy. Happy Geocaching. ---------------------------- Please send replies to his email address (replace the at and dot with at @ and a .: vbricker at shaw dot ca ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching Arizona's Geocaching Resource http://www.azgeocaching.com