Awesome Scott! I bet your desert rat lungs were giving out on you too! I grew up in Flag, but I can't take the altitude anymore when I get up there. That might be something to aspire to when I start hiking again. Definitely not up for a 7 hour hike at this point!! :D Crystal HinkleHouse > > From: "Roping The Wind" > Date: 2005/08/29 Mon PM 06:10:59 EDT > To: > Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Humphrey's Peak > > > Well, speaking of highpointer clubs.... > > Myself and Frieza made the most awsome hike I think I have ever done... this > past Saturday.... > > We made the 10 mile round trip hike up to the top of Humphrey's Peak... the > highest point in Arizona at 12,633'!!! There is a virtual cache to be > claimed up there. We mostly did it because it was a hike we have always > wanted to do. The cache was just a bonus really. It was fun to also be able > to claim the highest cache in Arizona! It actually felt like a regular cache > since there was an ammo box up there that contains the summit registry. > > The views were spectacular. The best I have ever seen from any cache site in > Arizona. The hike was great. It took us about 7 hours for the round trip > hike and we made it down to the parking lot/trailhead just as the sun was > setting to the west. Made for a great sunset too. > > The hike wasnt too tough. But it was definetly a workout I havent done in > quite a long time! I was feeling it a bit on the last 1.5 miles of the hike > back down. I didnt realize how steep that mountain is!!! You sure feel it > when you are climbing it! But other than that... it was a very relaxing and > nice hike and climb to the top. I had never been up to the ski lift on the > peaks either before, so the views were entirely a first for me. > > If you are into hiking and you havent done this cache yet... I definetly > recommend GC4272. With over 1760 cache finds... this might just be one of my > favorite geocaching experiences! AND.... I got to bag the highest point in > Arizona!!! > > Scott > Team Ropingthewind > > > ____________________________________________________________ > Az-Geocaching mailing list > To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: > > > Arizona's Geocaching Resource > > ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource