Hi all, Are there any Prescott area cachers who are willing to adopt some or all of my caches? I currently have 14: The PV Park Series 1-7, all micros in Prescott Valley Parks Granite View Granite Rock View All That Glitters Isn't... these are three regular caches, All that GLitters has been deployed for a loooong time in a great location Araknophakia Micro-Mini 01-02-03 ... these are 2 micros in Pioneer Park (Micro Mini out 2.5 years) Art Rocks! a micro in a great "urban" location and my newest "Third Mingus Cache" a regular cache up top of Mingus (Verde cachers could adopt this one) it needs to be checked, I was emailed about a DNF recently. If interested, please let me know. Trisha - Lightning Prescott Valley