Tim Giron wrote: > Some of you may not have noticed but there was a decent amount of data cleanup done on the azgeocaching.com site this past week: > > 1. All caches in the database got their lats and lons back > 2. The log dates that were incorrectly showing 2005 vs. 2004 were fixed > > There may be some other things that I didn't see, but I just wanted to give a shout out to Brian and/or Jason for their efforts. > > My listings are just about perfect, now. Since I can only corroborate my data, your mileage may vary. Thanks, we should be down to just the missing caches. Thats a part of the code that just plain needs to be written... again. Any for those of you that have forgotten what happened last time I did that. At one point Jason and I got together and wrote a nice little program that would fetch a cache off the geocaching site, check if it was in Arizona and not already listed in the system, and if everything checked out OK... add it to the system for future inclusion in the stats. That seemed to work OK, so I moved on to trying to automate the system so that it would detect archived caches and move them to the proper location. My code worked nicely and did was it was supposed to, but it had a bug in it. The first day there was no caches to archive at all, the code got confused and proceeded to erase the entire az-geocaching backend, leaving us with no data at all, and no way to get any more. Of course I DID have a backup, but I hadn't backed up within the last month or so, and the old code was completely worthless for getting new data because of geocaching.com also going through a fairly major change, so I opted to just rewrite the whole thing from scratch. That turned out to be the right thing to do, but due to the lack of time to do it it took several months to get us back up and running, and now the site is much more versatile and easier to use. Anyway, to get back to my point.... I'll backup the site before I try to add those features again, since I'm not quite sure exactly what the bug was because it also deleted itself :) Brian Cluff AzGeocaching.com Team Snaptek