Geez. Yall act like snake sightings are rare here in the desert! :) LOL Gosh, I think I see a snake on every other desert hike I take! Today I saw an interesting looking snake I dont think I have seen before. I saw it in the area of EvilFish's Prescott Prize Cache. It was fairly long and big. It was black and whitish/yellowish striped all the way down. Kinda cute! I was walking along the trail and it was sitting right there. I stopped within less than a foot of it to obvserve and it just sat there without a care in the world. I watched it a moment until it decided our conversation was getting boring and it slowly went on it's way! :) I think it was a Common Kingsnake (non venomous). Most snakes I see, when I am not particularly looking for them, are rattlesnakes. They are easy to identify. But if you turn over some rocks... there is a good chance you will find lots of non venomous snakes out in the desert. I think there is only one venomous, non rattler snake in arizona.. that is a coral snake. I cant say I have ever seen one though. They are very easily identified (black/yellow/orange striped). So if it doesnt have a rattler on it, it is likely not venomous. I saw my first Gila Monster, after living in Arizona nearly 20 years, just last year. We saw it while out geocaching south of Vulture Mine. It was sitting just outside a hole under a rock and my friend stepped near it and it backed up under the rock some more. He called me back down (of course, I was way ahead up the mountain!) and told me what he saw. So I kinda looked into the hole a bit and saw it peeking out at me with it's head just inside the hole. My first Gila Monster sighting and probably will not be fortunate to find another one for a long time. :( Scott Team Ropingthewind