Bill, Try your district exec at the council office. They should be able to point you to all sorts of people who are in need of service project workers. Also, if you attend the Round Table meetings, there should be several people there who could point you to someone in need of workers. YIS, Bob --- Bill Tomlinson <> wrote: > > As long as we're on this off-topic topic, one of my > sons is in search of > an Eagle Scout project. He has been making a lot of > phone calls but > hasn't come up with anything yet. If anyone knows > of a non-profit, > civic, religious, community, or government > organization that is in need > of any sort of assistance with a building, fixing, > maintenance project, > I would really appreciate hearing about it. > > CacheLess, > Bill Tomlinson > __________________________________ Yahoo! Messenger Show us what our next emoticon should look like. Join the fun. ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource