Great series Mo & go,I also enjoyed it very much!

On Fri, 4 Mar 2005 20:03:55 -0800 (PST), GREGG OBUCH <> wrote:
> Scott, 
> Thanks for the kind words about our AZ Tidbit series of caches.  Sometimes
> it's a challenge to keep some of the base caches stocked with the necessary
> info.  We have had quite a few out-of-staters get hooked by the first stages
> and not finish until a later trip to Tucson. 
> Gregg of MO & GO
> Roping The Wind <> wrote: 
> >From: Guy Aldrich 
> >Reply-To:,Guy Aldrich 
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Re: Power Trail not approved!
> >Date: Fri, 4 Mar 2005 18:51:59 -0700
> >
> >Channel surfing was a great multi,My wife and I and The Watcher were
> >the only ones to complete it!
> There are two multi caches that I particularly enjoyed and remember well. 
> The first was one of Libby's. It was a nighttime multi cache run up in 
> Anthem, north of Phoenix. It was basically strewn out along the sidewalks 
> that run thru the washes between the homes and such. Using a flashlight you 
> shined along the path ahead to search for really small stickers that had 
> reflective material on them. They were stuck on a tree or sign or something 
> at such an angle as to be seen from the previous one and so forth and so on.
> It took, if I recall, about 1 or 1 1/2 hours or so to complete it. At the 
> end was a full ammo box that contained lots of nice stuff. Libby did a great
> job on that one. We did it on a very cold December night. I think it was 
> around 10pm or so when we started it.
> The other one I particulary enjoyed doing was the Arizona Tidbit Quest. This
> is a 7 part multi and each of the first 5 locations actually gives you 
> credit for a find (what a wonderful idea!). They are each seperate caches 
> and GC#'s. After finding those 5, you had information from each that would 
> lead you to the Checkpoint Cache. Another cache and GC# that is worth a 
> find. After that... on to the final AZ Tidbit Quest cache. Yet another GC# 
> and cache. The last was a full size container. That was is in Tucson and is 
> still active as we just completed it a couple of months ago. Great idea for 
> a multi cache. Other than those... I dont generally care for multi's. But 
> those two were both alot of fun to do!
> Scott
> Team Ropingthewind
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