Scott (RTW), For someone who rushes out and buys a new GPSr every time a new-and-improved model comes out, I'm surprised you haven't sprung for the new-and-improved (longer lasting) batteries yet! ;-) :-D Rand Hardin (RandMan) *********************************************************************** SCOTT (RTW) WROTE REGARDING STILL USING 3 YEAR OLD NiCad BATTERIES: ....I have seen some good deals on NmH batteries and charger sets (usually 4 batts and a charger). I have been wanting to get a set of NmH for a while now. But, I am stil using these old NiCads from 3 years ago!!!!!!!! They dont last nearly as long as they used to, but they still work!!! So I havent been motivated enough to buy new batteries yet! :) LOL Scott Team Ropingthewind *********************************************************************** ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: Arizona's Geocaching Resource