I missed something... was the Halloween Party THAT much fun? Where was the list all week...? I've wanted to post this question ALLLLL week... ! I've got "reles" visiting next week (Purplemartin2 and Z'cachers from Indiana) for a week's worth of heavy *Geocaching Mania,* I'd like to show 'em a good time... Would anyone have a "Not-to-be-Missed" cache suggestion for the greater Phoenix metro area? I think we'll be concentrating our efforts in the Tempe/Scottsdale/Awatukee area, with perhaps a day trip out to the Sups and Four Peaks, but if there's something truly Arizona clever that we should do, I'd really appreciate the suggestion.... Thanks.... BloominFun! _________________________________________________________________ Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! Download today - it's FREE! http://messenger.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200471ave/direct/01/