I am sending this to the listserv because I have had friends and family already telling others about my experience and I figured letting everyone know I am ok would be a good thing... First, I post my log entry for you: Here is the scoop... Last friday, the 24th, I left work alittle early after a long week and planned to get this cache. I parked at the trailhead just before 1500. I arrived at the cache location, after a few wrong choices, around 1745. I realized I would not be able to go back the exact same route because I was unable to climb down the way I climbed up... I started looking for a different route when a rock slide out from under me. I was able to grab onto a crack and hung by fingertips for alittle over one minute. I knew I was going to fall, the best I could do was 'aim' my fall. My plan worked fairly well, all things considered. After much falling and a very hard landing, I recovered my backpack, camera and cell phone. I walked approx 120-150 feet before the world started going dark. I realized my injuries were alittle more serious then I had hoped for so I called 911 and explained my situation. It was now just after 1800 hours and I was instructed to turn off the phone to conserve batteries. Four more phone calls and about 4.5 hours and I had members of S.A.R.A. coming up the hill for me. They checked me over and decided there was no way we were climbing down. We got to spend the night and wait for morning until Ranger (the helicopter) could make a successful pickup. Spent most of Saturday in the trauma center and amazed everyone when we found out all the swelling and lumps and cuts and bruises ended with nothing but damaged tendon's, contusions and cuts.. No a single broken bone could be seen in the xrays. Bruised rib, knees and baddly sprained both wrists. Trully a lucky day. Long story, but a trully memorial location. Please do not take this as a bad indicater for the cache. I just had back luck with a single rock. I loved the views and will likely make that climb again sometime just to get my best and to prove to myself that it aint all that bad I left a YJTB and a turtle. Took the bandana. ----------------- This is in regards to a cache named Razorback (GCJWWC). Basicaly while trying to find a better way down I proved that anyone can have a bad day.. I also wanted to send this via the listserv to thanks those who tried so hard to assist. CowSpots and GoLefts alone with my family, all came to the trailhead friday night. My family already knew of my situation because I was able to call them as well as have one of the Deputy Sherriff's keeping them informed. The Cow Spots knew I had found the cache because I called him and said I would talk to him when I got off the mountain. I never made that last call so I am told he tried my cell phone three or four times and since no answer and he knew I planned to be down before dark, he came looking for my jeep. He found the jeep all right, as well as alot of commotion from "base camp" of the search and rescue team. I also want to give credit to S.A.R.A. (Southern Arizona Rescue Association) as four of them made it to me and stayed the night with me on the cliffside. Long painful weekend, but it really was a heck of a great time up there, right up till the fall. The estimate is alittle over 40' drop down a solid cliff. So I figure this weekend has to be one of the luckiest times of my life as nothing broke. I do have something the size of a golfball on my left wrist, but the Doc says it is a damaged tendon and it does not appear to be torn or cut. Thanks everyone for all the emails and phone calls so far. I am having to tpye with my less damaged hand, so I hope this will surfice for now since it is getting painful to keep typing. See you all at Halloween event. I am hoping this or my bail or dope story will be worth a mention in the contest. heheeh