--- TEAM 360 wrote: > Well, my fellow Valley Cachers, the time has come > for me to leave. I have been offered, and have > accepted, a great job up in Prescott, and will be > moving up there the last day of this month. I wanted > to take a minute and thank you all for letting me > frustrate you with a couple of my hides: "Edge of > Insanity" and "Super Stealth". Even though they were > short-lived, I hope you enjoyed them! I will make a > cache maintenance run around the Valley before > leaving, and will keep my other Phoenix area caches > active for all to find. > So I am heading to cooler weather and easy livin', > and will unleash a few of my cache ideas on the > unsuspecting geocaching populace up there. > This is by no means goodbye forever, after all, I > will only be a couple of hours away, and certainly > plan on coming down from the mountain every once in > a while to make some cache runs here in Phoenix and > over in Tucson as well. > I have to say it has been a pleasure to cache > alongside some of the best and friendliest people I > have met while here in the Phoenix area. AJ.JR, > Sprocket, RopintheWInd, Evilfish, Wyle E, Tsegi Mike > and DV, RandMan, graldrich (you sneaky sonofa), > Highpointer, AZ Cachemeister, Highwayhavoc, Tamo, > AZSaluki, Frieza, Horse & Rider, 2PeasinaPod, > Webbman, Cacheless, Team AI (Brian and Jake), > AZCelts...man, the list goes on and on and on and if > I left anyone out I apologize, there are just so > many friendly cachers here in the area! > If any of you ever want to come up there and spend > the day caching, by all means drop me a line! > See you on the trail... > Jeff/TEAM 360 > > > --------------------------------- > Do you Yahoo!? > Vote for the stars of Yahoo!'s next ad campaign! Good for you Jeff,glad to hear you got the job!Now place some badly needed urban caches there please!I'll look you up when I'm in the area!Send me your # and address when you get there!Good luck and take care! Guy __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Mail is new and improved - Check it out! http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail