On May 30th I placed "Gecko's Paradise Hills" (GCJJHJ) on public property outside our church. The cache has not yet been approved, due to CO Admin spending a week in the hospital and the ongoing discussion among the approval volunteers regarding this cache. I've read the guidelines regarding caches with a religious or political agenda, and believe that this cache is within those guidelines. Although this cache is themed around faith and spirituality, I did not specify any one religion and I did indicate in the listing that everyone is welcome to this one regardless of their beliefs. I did ask that trade items be limited to those dealing with faith or spirituality. Some questions I have for the group: Does anyone object to the cache as it's currently described on the listing? If the listing was edited to remove any mention of faith and spirituality, would it be offensive to include religious items in the container? Is anyone else aware of other caches of this nature? Does anyone have any suggestions which might make the cache more easily accepted? Thanks for your input! --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com). Version: 6.0.706 / Virus Database: 462 - Release Date: 6/14/2004