>From: Jim Scotti >Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Speaking of TB's.... >Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 13:29:22 -0700 (MST) > >Hey Scott, > Have you tried sending e-mail to the cachers who have not yet logged >the >TBs in? That might prod them along and solve your problem(s) too. I'd be >quite friendly about it just to see if maybe they forgot to log the TB or >something. If you never hear from either one after a reasonable time, then >I >think you can just grab the TB. Of course, if you don't hear from the >second >cacher, you won't know which cache you found it in, but I suppose you could >at least make a pretty good guess as to which one it was. > >Jim. In reference to the Tropical Girl TB.... Team Ragarone has it and has not log it into the cache yet (the cache that I took it out of). However, I know they are an active team and I will just give them a day or so to log their find, as I am sure they will. The other travel bug.. well, it has been in the hands of that one team since August 2003. Obviously, they dont have it. I have it! :) So, they put it into a cache and didnt log it in. So, I dont know that sending them an email will matter. I will just do as LazyK suggested and snag it from them and put it into the cache myself and then take it out and into my hands. Normally, I would say that seems kind of a rude thing to do (if not emailing them first).. but, considering so much time has gone by... I dont think it matters much. Still, I have to remember which cache I took it from. I normally make a note of it in my PDA... but, somehow I failed to do so during my visit to that particular cache. I made the note of time and date, etc..... but didnt note the TB pickup. Now... in case it got lost in the hoopla... Once I get the tropical Girl TB into my possesion.... I will be glad to meet up with the cacher that said they were going to Hawaii (Galdrich... and I think someone else said they were going too?) and they can take this TB if they want to. One of it's goals is Hawaii. Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ Is your PC infected? Get a FREE online computer virus scan from McAfeeŽ Security. http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963