Well, since we are on the subject of TB's.... I was up in the Flagstaff and Williams area this weekend to enjoy the cooler weather, pine trees, and two of my favorite hobbies... ballooning and geocaching! I found 3 TB's this past weekend. One of them I have completed the transfer and it is in my hands. However, the other two I cannot yet log... both are shown in the hands of someone else and they havent placed the TB in the cache I took it out of. Now.. of of these TB's I cannot remember which cache I got it out of.. so, that doesnt help matters either! I only did 19 caches, so that will help narrow it down a bit. I still have these 2 bugs in my possesion. Upon typing in the TB# I find that the one cache was last in the hands of Ragarone. They visited two of the caches I did this past weekend. They only logged on of those caches so far. Why not just log the other one at the same time?! Anyways, I would guess they will complete the transfer of this bug to that cache shortly. I will be patient on that one. This is the Tropical Girl TB.. by the way. It wants to go to Hawaii. Since there is someone that just posted on the listserv that they are going to Hawaii.. I will be glad to hand this bug over to who ever wants to move it on to Hawaii (thru a cache transfer preferably, as I like to move TB's thru caches and not hand to hand). This TB, I know which cache I pulled it out of and am just wanting for Ragarone to complete the transfer so I can take this TB and put it into my inventory. The other TB I found... I cannot remember which cache I took it out of. To make matters worse... the last person to have this TB hasnt dropped it into a cache yet on the main site and it is still shown as being in their possesion. Here is their log: 8/10/2003 Yachters retrieved it from Game Trail Cache [visit log] Retrieved the bug from the Game Trail Cache on August 8, 2003. Didn't realize it was attached to the ray gun keychain. I'll place it in the next cache we do that is closest to Meteor Crater. August 2003?! I have a feeling this bug will never get logged into the cache by this team. Therefore, I will likely have to somehow snatch it from them and put it into my inventory. Any suggestions? The cache looks like a raygun hooked to a keychain. I think Yachters has a different TB or something that this one was hooked to. ??? I dont know. Dont care. Just want to get this TB properly logged and out of my hand and get it moved on. I gotta say... these TB's are more of a pain in the ass then they are worth. I mean, why bother with them? What do I get out of them? (I dont sleep with these TB's at night like one geocacher I know:)) It is kinda fun to watch a TB move along.. but, it does nothing for me except create a huge hassle when trying to log them in each time I find out the last person hasnt completed the transfer yet. I think these are the last TB's I will ever pull out of a cache. I dont mind helping to 'do my part' to move them along... but, I am not going to sit around the computer all day waiting for the last guy to log it in or to properly log it in... if they ever do! Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ MSN Toolbar provides one-click access to Hotmail from any Web page – FREE download! http://toolbar.msn.click-url.com/go/onm00200413ave/direct/01/