Brian - Team A.I. wrote: > I've cached on the 1st/5th/6th/8th and now the 12th so far in Arizona. > Looks like the data might have been changed again, or the crawler is broken. Actually, due to a major bug in the recent changes to the crawler by me, the crawler is now non-existent :) It accidentally erased itself last Tuesday. (I forgot to test what would happen in something DIDN'T occur...DOH) Now all the computer types are thinking, just restore from your backup. Yes, of course we have a backup, but unfortunately, we hadn't run one recently, so the crawler and parser are all extremely out of date and broken. So since I would have to do a ton of work on getting them up to date anyway, I decided to re-write the parser in perl. I've now got a brand new shinny ripper that seems to be just as fast as the old one written in C, but easier to maintain. I just have a couple more fields for it to rip, and then we should be back in business, and hopefully better than ever. My first goal is to get us back to where we were, but I'm also trying to get the stats to be more real time. Brian Cluff Team Snaptek