>From: "RAND HARDIN" <RHrdn8@msn.com>
>Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com
>To: "AZ-Geocaching" <listserv@azgeocaching.com>
>Subject: [Az-Geocaching] Box game brings out bomb squad
>Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 08:49:17 -0700
>Well folks, it happened again!  Another geocaching bomb scare.  This time 
>in New Jersey.
>Check out "Gibbstown Geocache" (GCH94F).

>Photo of cache:
>Rand (RandMan)

Oh yea. Now I have heard it all! :(  You have gots to be kidding me!!?!?? 
First off, I think the cache owner could have done without the trip wire and 
the alarm. That is just instigating a potential situation... like the one we 
have here. Also, I cant imagine a cache like this lasting very long as the 
alarm would certainly make it difficult for cachers to be stealth! Second:

"Our concern is the time consumed. The four fire trucks, the bomb squad, ATF 
and police were tied up with this for approximately three hours," said 
Giordano. He said he was also concerned that "in this day and age, people 
want to play these 'Star Trek' games."

HAHAHHAA!!!!!!! They are 'concerned' about the time they used and the 
resources taken to check this out!? Maybe they should just 'relax' and not 
be so 'freaked out' about every little thing and they would not have wasted 
these valuable resources on our silly little game called geocaching! (geez, 
this little game gets more and more expensive every day! Now my tax dollars 
are paying for the feds to bring out all these high dollar resources to blow 
up my box!) Why is everyone so freaked out about every little thing anymore? 
Just relax and live life! Geez. I suppose you can just stay in your house 
24/7 and watch all this crap on the news and stuff and not worry about 'what 
might happen' if I step outside my front door! I personally dont worry about 
the 'small stuff' in anything I do in life. I just do it. People that worry 
about every little thing are the ones that usually get bitten. Some people 
spend WAY to much time sitting in front of the tube watching the news and 
reading the newspaper and not spending enough time enjoying and living life 
and THAT is why they are so freaked out about every little thing.

Kinda like this "we need to get back to normal after 9/11." I dont think 
anyone has gotten back to normal since that day. If we have... then how come 
they had to call out the special forces to check on a little wooden box in 
Camden, NJ!? Couldnt perhaps two police officers checked on it themselves? 
Maybe poke it with a 10 foot long pole perhaps?!

Anyways, I'm not trying to be sarcastic here or anything... but, I think it 
is truly rediculous that many people live their life this way. I dont worry 
about the small stuff. Someday something will do me in. But, I am not 
worrying about when that day will come. I am just trying to live my life and 
enjoy it the best I can.

... What is up with the comment about the 'star trek' games anyways!? Is he 
suggesting that we should not be able to go out and enjoy the outdoors and 
basically live life?!

Team Ropingthewind

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