>From: "Trisha" >Reply-To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >To: listserv@azgeocaching.com >Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] The same.....yeah. >Date: Sun, 14 Mar 2004 01:03:35 -0700 (MST) > >"monotimius"? What word is that supposed to be? > >As I said, this is a non-issue. Those who don't hide many caches >(EvilFish, this does not apply to you obviously) have all the excuses >in the book, and continue to find the caches of the people that take >the effort to hide them. Simple concept. > >The current top three AZ teams have a total find count of 3,447, and a >total hide count of 13. As I said before, nobody would have 1000 or >even 100 caches if people did not hide them, and the most active >cachers should be doing their part to help. Why is that hard for some >people to understand? (Lincoln once explained it to me that it comes >down to some people are givers, and some are takers, and the takers >will never get it.) > >By the way, my hides are all "quality" hides of different types. It >ain't that hard. > >I am DONE on this issue, as I said in my last post, there really isn't >a response needed, it's just an excuse anyway. > >Trisha "Lightning" >Prescott Apparently, this is an issue for you, since you keep bringing it up every couple of months! No I havent done any of your caches yet Trisha, I havent yet done any caching in Prescott. I dont dissagree with you that those who find more caches should do their part to hide more. But, I simply do not think it is realistic. Simply put, there are those that prefer to hide caches and there are those that prefer to find. There are some cachers out there with several hides and not a single find. For them, the joy is hiding a cache and waiting to read the logs. Should they not be able to hide a cache because they havent found one yet? Those who particularly enjoy hiding caches, tend to make really quality caches. I think as far as those teams on the top of the rankings go, they are competitive and into the 'numbers' game. Obviously, we find alot more than we hide. Theoretically, if everyone jumped on my case about not hiding any caches... here is what would happen... (I am sure this would be the case with the other top teams as well)... there would be a whole bunch of urban micros placed within no more than 2 miles of my house. Simple altoid containers placed under light poles or park benches.This way, they are close to my house and I could check on them easily whenever there is a problem with them. Then, after two weeks when there are a bunch of no find logs (because the cache was stolen) I would just archive it since I wouldnt want to worry about it coming up missing again. This is basically the case with many urban caches these days. Galdrich, on the other hand, has a knack at camo'ing a micro cache. His caches seem to stand the test of time. But, many urban micros do not. Take last summer. I was gone for 3 month.. 3 whole months... I come home to find a couple dozen caches that were placed and archived before I even got home!!! They were all urban caches, of course. There are many really nice urban caches hides out there that last a long time, but there are also many that do not. I particularly enjoy hiking and climbing to the tops of mountains. So, therefore, that is how I choose to hide my caches. There have only been maybe 15 find logs on it since it was placed well over a year ago. Not everyone will do that cache, nor will everyone have the ability to do this cache (due to physical limitations)... however, for those people that can't do my cache or for those that simply don't like to climb mountains, there are people like galdrich and others doing there part by hiding caches that are more easily accessible. Therefore, I beleive I am still doing my part. I have a second cache that will be placed soon... yes, it will be on the top of a mountain and will require a nice hike to just get to the base. There certainly is not a shortage of caches in AZ and I dont think there is anyone who will every say they found every cache in Arizona (except someone who found the very first cache first!). I have over 1170 finds and there are still 1200 more to find yet! Quite frankly, I will never find them all nor do I care to find them all. Your thinking that the top teams wouldnt have so many finds if it wasnt for those that hide large numbers of caches is totally not accurate... the same teams would still be on top of the rankings... we would just have less cache finds. It's all relative really. It wouldnt have mattered if I hit #1 with 300 finds or 1100 finds... just that I made my goal of getting to the top. Whether the top 4 teams have over 1000 AZ finds or a mere 300+ finds, the same 4 teams would still be sitting on top. Regan has a strange way of saying things sometimes.. :) ... but, I agree with his thoughts totally on his last posting concerning this subject. If AZGeocaching.com came up with some stat that would require cachers to hide more caches to keep them on top of the rankings, there would be a whole lot of caches under light poles!!! Now ain't that a waste of a good GC#? (there are a heck of a lot more light poles around AZ than there are mountain peaks!) I have really enjoyed reading the logs on my first cache hide and lately I have had the itch to hide another one. The first cache is still 'fresh' and certainly hasnt grown old on me yet. The fact that only 15 cachers have found it certainly heightens my enjoyment in having placed that cache. I still look forward to the next log! They have all been short stories and fun to read. I certainly wouldnt look forward to seeing log after log that reads " TN/LN/SL". BORING! I enjoy reading all the logs on my cache that are short stories. I am looking forward to hiding our next cache soon. With it, there will be lots more great short stories to read! (for sure! :) hehehe. To all those who enjoyed our first hide and mentioned in their logs that they are looking forward to RTW-2.. the wait is almost over!!! :) Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ Store more e-mails with MSN Hotmail Extra Storage – 4 plans to choose from! http://click.atdmt.com/AVE/go/onm00200362ave/direct/01/