After looking into it further, I've noticed that the previously listed waypoints correspond to the following caches: GC0255 ROMERO TRAIL CACHE By WJMYLES GC06AD ALBORGS HERMETIC HOARDE By ALBORG GC072B PINE TRAILHEAD (MULTI-CACHE) By TEAM CBX2 GC129A MIND YOUR MINE By TEAM SNAPTEK GC2ED8 LONE PINE CACHE By TEAM DAAS GC367A AGENT POLECAT By TEAM SPIKE GC3B87 OBSERVATORY CACHE By TEAM A&M GC462B COYOTE HILLS CACHE By 97TJ GC5E41 LUCKY CHARMS By OMNITERRANAUT GC6382 MIKKIS LAGOON By WHOOVEN GCA35C AZ KEYCHAIN CACHE By GEORAPTOR GCB3C9 CONCHO FALLS By TEAM GEOTREK GCBA07 COYOTE HILLS TOO !!! By 97TJ GCE917 HERES JOHNNY By AZMARK GCA292 CANYON LOOP CACHE By WMNMBA These caches don't have the descriptions when the team-specific Mapsource waypoint file is downloaded. They also don't have the correct information in the 'Status' column of the team-specific comma separated values file. I'm guessing those two things are related some how. Also, the following caches are appearing as 'Not Found' instead of 'Found': GC3FFB YELLOW JEEP FEVER by CBX2 Interesting note about the Yellow Jeep Fever looks like has "lost" a bunch of logs from that cache. The cache was hidden on 3/6/02 and the first find listed is for sometime in 2003, varying with each page refresh. The archived copy on has a first find date of 1/26/03. I know for a fact that there were finds between 3/6/02 and 9/6/03...Wyle E himself (themselves?) was one of the first finders! My find still shows up on 'My Cache Page' but I can't get to it via the cache page itself. Anyway...anyone else having the same/similar things happen in their waypoint files or doesn't anyone use them anymore? LazyK - Dan -----Original Message----- From: Koch, Dan Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2004 11:09 AM To: '' Subject: Problems with Mapsource datafile Anyone else notice issues with their team specific version of 'New Garmin - Mapsource w/Types' waypoint download from azgeocaching? There are several waypoints that don't have descriptions. They are: GC0255 GC06AD GC072B GC129A GC2ED8 GC367A GC3B87 GC3F86 GC462B GC5E41 GC6382 GCA292 GCA35C GCB3C9 GCBA07 GCE917 Found, but not indicated as such in waypoint file: Yellow Jeep Fever There may be others found but not indicated, but I haven't done an analysys of all 500+ caches I've found... The cache name (description) appears fine in the 'Text - Comma Delimited' waypoint file, but the found/not found issue still exists there as well. Anyone else notice this or is it just me? Thanks, LazyK - Dan