RandMan, I want to thank you for your reply. It was measured, and well thought out, and good advice. A firearm is not what I will be getting. Although, I would like a firearm, I am not a hunter, and I have no real use for one (?). That, and my wife hates the thought of one in the house. And, since I like my wife a lot more than I like shooting, for now she wins. I was probably being stupid in that part of town at that time of night. But, maybe not. My wife, really appreciated your comment "You have a family to consider!". That I do. And I love them dearly. I am surely glad that he did not have a gun (although he kept muttering about how he wished he had one). As for reporting it to the police. I kinda wish I did have a picture of the guy. Just for that purpose. After all, by raising his bike lock over his head as if to strike, could he be charged with attempted assault with a deadly weapon? I don't know. There was a police car that stopped by my car as I was taking notes about the cache just afterwords. I could have stopped him and discussed it with him. Instead I just waved, and he went on. If I did report him, and charges are brought to court, then I would need to get involved again. Would that make him seek revenge afterwords? Not a pleasant thought. But, the other side of that is if I don't stand up, then will the next guy, or the next? For that evening, I am OK, so I am leaving well enough alone and thanking the Lord for my safety. As for being nice to him. I don't know how to utter profanities. They just don't work out of my mouth. So, by being polite, I was staying strong, "No sir, I will not!", but still not making him more angry. At least that was my goal. The situation is still strong in my mind. I don't have a clear mental picture of his face, or even his clothing. But, I am still mentally mulling the occasion over and over. The other end of the evening was a joyous one. Gazing at the stars, and Saturn, and I wonder at the creations of God. So, I see the baseness of man, and the glory of Gods creations on either ends of a single evening. Talk about your lows and highs put together! Again, I thank God for my safe passage through this, and believe I will soon have peace in my heart again. He certainly gave me some peace a little later that night. This is a strange game that we play. It brings me and my family to places we would otherwise never have been before. I get to join a community of other cachers with a wide range of backgrounds, talents, beliefs, and hobbies. And, it broadens my understanding. I see the world in a somewhat different light now (does that park need a cache - or where is it hid if there is one already there?). But it mostly gives me experiences that I would not have had otherwise. It requires a community of kind, sharing persons, who freely give, without expecting a financial gain, just an emotional one. That has been a community that I have really enjoyed being a part of for the last year. Thank you all. This has been a really fun year for be because of Geocaching, and the AZ community of cachers. No, I am not stopping my caching activities. The rewards are too great to stop. Thanks Steven Stringham StringCachers > Steven, > > "Penguins In Sonora" must have been quite a rush for you! I'm sure the > issue with the guy on the bike wasn't about you snapping a photo of him .. > it was about whether he could intimidate you into giving up your camera > and running off. > > I don't think I would have been as nice as you were to him. Criminals > like him feed on intimidation and the weakness of their victims. You > stood your ground and that was enough to dissuade him. Evidently he > wasn't looking for a confrontation - if he were he would have attacked > you. > > You asked: "with nighttime caching, do I need to reconsider where and how > I cache?" I think you are the only one who can answer that! How > uncomfortable did the experience make you feel? Do you have enough > confidence in yourself to handle someone who may want to get physical? > Evidently you stood your ground against someone who tried to intimidate > you; but are you willing to take a chance against someone who may pull a > weapon? You have a family to consider! If you do decide to do nighttime > caching alone, you may want to consider carrying a gun for protection. > > The individual you encountered may have a history of robbing people in the > area. I would have notified the police of the situation. > > I do want to congratulate you on standing your ground. You did good! > > Take care, > > Rand (RandMan) > ----------------------------------------- http://stringham-family.org/