I agree. I'm going to be sure to be in such a remote place that I won't be found. Trisha On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 18:15:58 -0700, "Brian Casteel" wrote: Well, during my Geocaching adventures today, I happened upon the scene of a suicide-by-firearm.  I was just north of Sign of the Past IV, and stopped to check on a pickup truck to make sure everything was ok (saw driver slumped over).  She had put a .357 to her chin and 'took care of her problems' that way.  Just a warning to everyone out caching that it is something you might come across, as the despair of people increases due to the holidays and they look for places/ways to solve the problems.  As the Forest Ranger I spoke with said, they want to be found, so it isn't typically going to be in a terribly remote location.  Her truck was parked about 30' from the road on a 4x4 pullout.    I hope nobody else comes across anything like this, because it is certainly a vivid memory.    Brian Team A.I.