A couple of weeks ago a posted a request on how to fix My Garmin Vista which was having a problem with the rubber trim coming off. The GPS is about 2 years old and was well over it’s 1 year warranty period. I e-mailed Garmin and explained the problem to them. To my surprise they gave me an RMA # and told me to send it in and they would fix it without charge. I sent the unit in and got it back exactly two weeks later. Upon receiving my GPS I noted that it looked BRAND NEW :) Upon reading the service report I discovered that they noted that my trusty Vista was looking a little well used. I have had the unit for about 2 years and with all the rock hopping and rattling around on my ATV have dropped it several times scratching the screen and case. Garmin replaced the Screen, Case, click stick and entirely refurbished it before sending it back to me. Total cost for out of warranty repair and unexpected total refurbishment $0.00!!! Garmin has just made me a life long customer. Ken WhereRwee?