Today (September 19, 2003) marks the one year anniversary of Team Sprocket's first cache hunt. Today also marks our 652nd cache found in the past year. I've really enjoyed this hobby/sport/obsession and want to take a moment to thank all of those who have contributed to the sport by hiding caches, maintaining web pages dedicated to geocaching, putting on event caches and generally promoting the sport. I'd like to give a special thanks to Team AJ.JR for introducing me (and my team) to geocaching and accompanying me on our first hunt (Mission: Looney Toons) one year ago today. I'd also like to take a moment to curse all of you who have forced me to hike to the top of a hill unnecesarily, plunge through a thorn bush unceremoniously and wander in circles unknowingly. Thanks for nothin'! ;-) Vive' Le' Geocaching! -- Sprocket