Well...i understand about car necessity VS. wants....had to trade my Trooper in (soon to fall apart, but a good 4x4) and needed more of a "family" car for my girls....so I got a Subaru Forrester....can't do any rough 4x4 but it is AWD so it does get me to search base camps etc as well as let me drive the kids here and there, with good gas mileage! It's a good geocaching car, but if it is 4x4 routing we take hubby's GMC 4x4 truck.......sorry to ramble, I am still tired from my forest patrol today. Went to the real boonies in a Hummer, the owner drives it very well...aggressively as needed, so we had a good ride...knew I was passing a couple caches near the Hassayampa by Wilhoit, and again south of Palace Station (82A to 82)....PANDA and Lincoln know where I'ma talkin' about! But we couldn't stop. Saw 2 deer, picked up a gopher snake laying across the road sunning (Steve Irwin style, by the tail, to move it...nope, not 'fraid of snakes), lots of quail, squirrel, buzzards)....and no campers with fires or smoking YET. BONE DRY scrub in the lower SW Bradshaw mountain area (Battleship Butte topo)....ok i will stop for now! Trisha "Lightning" Prescott www.ycjp.org On Wed, 2 Jul 2003 15:07:43 -0700, "RAND HARDIN" wrote: Trisha,   No, on the "convertible Beamer" (Never!).  After my divorce in '96, I traded my pickup in for a Dodge Caravan so I could  be a chauffeur for my girls and their friends.  I've always driven a truck . . . but sometimes we need to make sacrifices!  [:)]  Of course, the red Camaro does sound tempting now that I think about it.  [;)]    RandMan        ----- Original Message ----- From: Trisha Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 10:22 AM To: listserv@azgeocaching.com Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] Randman  Red Camaro, huh?  I don't know what RAND drives, but maybe he WISHES it was his!!Trisha Prescott(RAND probably has one of those new convertible beamers....)