Hi all, A fellow Posse member, who remembered that last year I sent a note out about the nesting bald eagles at Lynx Lake here in Prescott, sent this link to an article about a bald eagle egg destroyed ON PURPOSE in Kentucky. These idiot conservationists are SO WORRIED (about their precious sites that geocachers might damage) and things like that, and look what other officials are doing. I'd especially like to hear what people's reactions are who saw the eagles last year, Lincoln's "Five of Seven" cache.....Lincoln, your comment? Trisha "Lightning" Prescott as a courtesy of WorldNetDaily.com (http://www.worldnetdaily.com). Last year you alerted the posse to a nesting pair at Lynx Lake. You might find this article outrageous!! To view the entire article, visit http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=32890 Tuesday, June 3, 2003 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Eagle egg destroyed due to lack of permit