Let me be the 1st to thank you for all you work. I know that I will be using the items. Barry (team Hiker) Virgil Silhanek To: listserv@azgeocaching.com Sent by: cc: az-geocaching-admin@listserv.azgeocaching. Subject: [Az-Geocaching] FINISHED! Arizona Backcountry Adventures GPS com Coordinates Monday June 9, 2003 10:47 AM Please respond to listserv Fellow geocachers, I think if I had known I'd be typing in 2550 waypoints when I started this, I wouldn't have done it. I am sending the completed file to Jason at azgeocaching.com to be linked from the site. The naming system I used is as follows: Each waypoint is 6 characters long. I used E, W, C, and S as the first character of each waypoint representing the 4 regions in the book (Northeast, Northwest, Central, and South). The 2nd and 3rd character represent the trail number. For the 4th character I incorporated the trail difficulty. The 5th and 6th character are for the waypoint number. I just labeled them in my book 01 though however many there were for each trail. **Another thing that should be noted is while typing in everything, I found what I believe to be 3 errors in the book. I corrected the following 3 waypoints. (S21603, S30719, and C29516) They seemed to be typos, but I could also be wrong and thought I should point those out. **I guess I should also add a disclaimer that even though I checked my work to make sure it was the same as in the book, there isn't a guarantee that it is 100% correct. Virgil ____________________________________________________________ Az-Geocaching mailing list listserv@azgeocaching.com To edit your setting, subscribe or unsubscribe visit: http://listserv.azgeocaching.com/mailman/listinfo/az-geocaching Arizona's Geocaching Resource http://www.azgeocaching.com