Ok, being relatively new to this wonderful sport, I have a couple of questions from the more experianced out there. I am planning on placing my first set of caches. Still very much in the planning stage, but I am getting the stuff together. My kids and I are really looking forward to our first hide. Has anybody written a summary of rules and contacts for Arizona lands and posted it anywhere. I know that there are the overarching geocaching.com rules, but what about specific rules for Arizona? I have really enjoyed the urban multicache sites. Everything from looking for labels on lightpoles, to number of items in a park playground. Good stuff. But, ultimately the caches are hidden in City of Phoenix park lands, or generally public parks. So, I place a cache in a bush in a park (lets say encanto park, just for grins - no I am not planning one there presently). Who do I ask for permission, or do I need to because it is a city park? What about Glendale, Peoria, etc.? What about a neighborhood park (like in a subdivision, not next to a school)? Or in a neighborhood flood control park? What about having clues on school property? Not the caches, but clues? I know that there are rules for visitors on school properties, are we to ask them to put a sticker or label on one of their light poles? National forest lands have been discussed since I have been on the thread, and are generally ok, but contact the ranger before/after the hide? Be careful not to place it near a archiological site. Reservation lands are off limits. I also see that they exist on state trust lands as well. What about the stuff just a few miles out of town? Do I need permission from somebody? I know that I need a permit to travel on these lands. But, what about hidding something out there? I have seen some of the junk left about out there (abandoned cars, wheels, beer cans, etc). I see that the general group tries to be good and clean up where possible. But, are we adding to it by putting our caches out there? I don't think so, but I want to get some opinions. Thanks, Steve, Team SteveJS