At 08:41 AM 1/18/2003 -0800, you wrote: >Ain't gonna happen. There will always be alot of easy urbans to do, >unless GC archives them. I have always agreed that many of the urban caches lack imagination, but the fact remains that a person has ever right to hide there cache in the manner they choose. They also have the right to hide as many caches as they want. We have heard people over and over talk about how caches should not be too close together. While I am sure that there are many that agree, you can't create a blanket policy that covers such things. Two of the caches we found today as part of the strike force were within .5 miles of each other. Remember, this is a HUGE part of the desert and there are two caches within .5 miles. Just reading the cache pages it would be really tempting to claim that they are too close together and archive one of them. If that were to happen, a great cache would be lost. It doesn't matter which one, they were both great caches. I also think people should remember that a lot of the urban micro caches down here in the Tucson area were hidden during the summer forest closures. With so much of the desert around Tucson being in the NF, there was little other choice if you wanted to hide or seek a cache. It looks like things will be even worse this year fire danger wise, and I bet you will see a lot more urban caches down here. >With the bulk of the vocal group out of town in Yuma, if may be a few >days before they read this and an "argument" starts! I expect that not Yeah, but were back now! :-) Scott Team My Blue Heaven