wrote: > area. The caches in the Reavis Ranch area were also being removed > today. They are basically citing the regulation that it is property > that has been abandoned after 24 hours. It seemed the biggest > concerns were creating new trails and some of the items contained in > the caches (food in particular). I think we need to start stressing that the caches that everyone seems to be worried about are in the middle of nowhere, and are VERY low traffic. Our freemont saddle cache, which is hopefully still there, has recieved a visitor on avarage every 22.21 days, since it was placed. I don't know of anyone that will say that is enough to traffic to blaze a trail to anywhere. They have animals that go back and forth to places much more often than that. The places in the middle of nowhere are hard to get to, limiting the number of people that will go there, and on top of that you have to be a geocacher to ever know about the cache, than you have to be the type of geocacher that enjoys a real good long hike. I did an estimate once on the number of cachers out there based on the numer of teams that found over 10 cachers, and there were only just over 120 people that keep cacheing to get 10 caches. Most people stop after 2 or 3. There just plain aren't that many people going to these places that we are a serious threat to anything. Brian Cluff Team Snaptek