There is only one word for their 'greatness'. Obession I think that even in that free time called 'sleep', they dream about the cache they couldn't find! Where could it be hiding.. =-) xWaterLilyx Team H20 --- Original Message --- From: "RAND HARDIN" To: "AZ-Geocaching" Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] How can I achieve greatness? >Scott, > >To suggest that "caching is the only thing we do on our free time" is lud= >icrous! . . . when do you think we sleep? > >Rand =20 > =20 >----- Original Message ----- >From: Bill >Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2002 10:58 AM >To: >Subject: Re: [Az-Geocaching] How can I achieve greatness? > =20 >I know how you feel, Scott. I live in Willcox, and the cache density is = >just not as high out in our part of the state. You'll notice most of tho= >se really high numbers are in the Phoenix area. Doesn't matter, though. = > It's just as much fun no matter how far apart the caches are located. > =20 >Bill Nolan >also a teacher >Cochise Community College >----- Original Message ----- =20 >From: Scott Russell =20 > =20 >Hello Fellow AZ Geocachers- > >This is my first post to the listserv, although I have meen monitoring it= > for about 2 months. I am amazed at the number of you (Team Roping the Wi= >nd, Randman, Roadrunners, Team Blunder, etc.) that achieve the number of = >caches you do. 200, 300, 400 Wow! Is caching the only thing you do on you= >r freetime? What is the secret of your success? I have hit the monumental= > #14 and I feel I go as often as time permits. How about some pointers... > >Scott Russell (Team Smallville) >Teacher >Thatcher Middle School > >"Indecision becomes decision through the passage of time." Keep in Touch!! Amy Obuch Check out the new spot for my homepage