I add my congrats to all the Teams mentioned, sure hope you are having fun and good experiences along the way, peace, Trisha "Lightning" Prescott [Az-Geocaching] Not like I look at the numbers, but...    Looks like a lot of caching over Thanksgiving...   Ok, I'm a little late (I was gone for the holidays) but I can't miss the opportunity to congratulate Team Wyle E on their Septcentennial (700) Cache Find!!   Thanks for making me look halfway normal in my cache finds Larry!    And also notable triple digit marks recently realized for RandMan, delci5, rgballan, AZ Celts and Tamo's Clan Destiny (100) and Team Greenspeed for find number 200!!   Congratulations!!    Rob, Team CHUMP   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Although no one can go back and make a brand new start, Anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~