I don't think anyone should feel they must grab a bug but I know that if I had checked a cache that had a bug and the bug page didn't have appropriate logs, I would try to get back there. This isn't always possible because if lack of familiarity with the area or lack of transportation, or just that I'm leaving the next day. I think then I would log it as taken then "place" it the cache I saw it in, just to update the logs. You should be commended though for getting in touch with the owner and letting him know that his bug was still out there. At that point, he could have logged the bug into the cache you saw it in. Too bad the next taker didn't log it. I don't think that logging a bug sets a good example for people who don't. I'm of the opinion that people don't maliciously not log bugs, most do it out of ignorance or laziness. It's kind of like when people put nothing into a cache but take stuff out. They don't conciously think "I'm going to plunder" but it's the same effect. Eric Team Dragon --- Scott Wood wrote: > As I said, this has gotten me thinking about my > involvement in the travel bug game. Am I doing > more harm to the system by not being a responsible > player and actually entering logs for bugs and just > leaving them in caches when I find them? > > Is the answer to the problems with the travel bug > system to make sure that those of us who will log > them do? Does this help to set a good example? > __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Web Hosting - Let the expert host your site http://webhosting.yahoo.com