Many of you might remember my rant a month or so ago about how I was going to quit playing the travel bug game. I have been giving this a lot of thought, particularly after finding a cache out in Vegas that had a bug in it. I didn't take the bug, but I did write down the number so I could find out about it when I got back to a computer. This bug was in a cache out in Red Rock Canyon, which have some very active caches. I got to the internet cafe that I used to log my finds, and when I checked the bug's history, I found that it hadn't been logged into the cache that I found it at. Infact, it was supposed to be in a cache almost 1000 miles away. I sent a message to the bug owner who replied to me that he thought that the bug had been lost since he hadn't heard from the bug in months. I have since heard from him that the bug has apparently been moved from that cache and still has not been logged. There is no way of knowing where it really is now. As I said, this has gotten me thinking about my involvement in the travel bug game. Am I doing more harm to the system by not being a responsible player and actually entering logs for bugs and just leaving them in caches when I find them? Is the answer to the problems with the travel bug system to make sure that those of us who will log them do? Does this help to set a good example? Scott Team My Blue Heaven