Seeing a yellow jeep is easy, you see them every day. Having a camera and gps ready are the hard part. You usually see them while in traffic and by the time your gps has a signal and your camera is turned on, it's gone. That's IF you have your camera and GPS with you. Usually when I saw one that was going to stick around for a while, I had one or the other with with me, and if you go driving around specificly looking for a yellow jeep with GPS and camera in hand, there will be none to be found.... it's spooky. Just take a look at what I ended up taking a picture of..... Brian Cluff Team Snaptek On Sunday 03 November 2002 07:29 am, Regan Smith wrote: > howdy all > > until Team Evil Fish gets a Digital camera a camera or a scanner and a > camera I will log my sightings of the Yellow jeep here. > > I find it very amazing the amount of those (some adjective) are around. > > At the Ghostly Ride cache by saloon near mobile home looks as if it will be > there a while At the dang uH used to be a parts house still yellow but is > across from the Wal-Mart on Main and Alma School At the Walgreens Lindsay > and McKellips > At the Gas station Lindsay and Baseline pump #2 > on the 101 sount just past Elliot > on the 101 northbound at Ray > on 101 northbound at Guadalupe exit > the 60 Eastbound at Gilbert exit > Northbound on Power just past Broadway