-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 ASK AND YOU SHALL RECIEVE!!!!! there new feature all addded.... dang wasn't that quick?!!!! actually i had that mostly done and just had not got around to putting it up and available.... go to your custom team stats page and there is a new link labeled Team Specific Cache List / Custom Book click on this and it will take you the the list showing you which caches are found and mark the ones that are not... the you can make changes or just click the Build Custom Book button jason Team Snaptek Team Tierra Buena Team Tierra Buena wrote: | Here's a blue sky wish (low priority): | | Today, you can create downloadable books of all caches, active caches, | customer books, etc. You can also download az_caches_team files which | identify caches by type (not found,archived, etc.). Now would there be | some way to download a custom book by selecting types instead of | individual caches? Then I could create a book based on our team stats | that would leave out all the archived, found, etc. | | I have no idea of the level of effort or practicality of this, but I | thought I'd put it on the table. Thanks for thinking about it. | | Steve | Team Tierra Buena -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iD8DBQE9tJwZF8dK8Mtcw5ARAqyIAKC4Zp0/8kchebmUsphkCU29UUT1aQCguesk +WjuVLk9h/292RhpLiYkiyM= =5hUr -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----