Howdy Barry, For the Easy or ExpertGPS programs... to create a grouping of 500 caches (500 waypoint) to dump into your GPS... First off... delete all wayoints that are archived and also any caches you have hidden. That will get rid of some of them. All that remain are caches that you have not yet found. Now, click on one of the caches that is closest to your home (or a cache that is centrally located to wherever you plan on going caching next). A red allow will appear next to that waypoint on the left side of the list when you highlight it. That cache will now become your 'active point'. Next, click on 'distance to active point' above. Now, the cache you highlighted will appear on top and all others will be listed in distance from that cache (active point). Now, you can scroll down and take the first 500 listed and you can upload those to your GPS. Just highlight the first 500 and click on upload to GPS. There ya' go! Now, for Mapsource (.mps file)... I am not exactly sure how to do this. It would seem to me you can pretty much do the same process described above to get a list of 500 nearest caches. Hope this helps! Scott Team Ropingthewind Official web site of Team Ropingthewind! _________________________________________________________________ Get faster connections -- switch to MSN Internet Access!