Is it legal to hide a cache in a Wilderness Area? Seems I have read on this listserver and/or elsewhere that is is not. However, the 'Cache Listing Requirements/Guidelines' only says that a cache can't be placed on National Park Service land (and of course private property without permission, etc). However, it says nothing about Wilderness Areas. So, can a cache be placed in a WA or not? The Superstition Wilderness Area has perhaps 8 or more caches in it as an example. I beleive WA's are managed by BLM (?). I will read up on the regulations on BLM land and see if there is anything that would prohibit the placement of a geocache. But, wanted to post to this list on this subject as well. Thanks, Scott Team Ropingthewind _________________________________________________________________ MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: